One of the main five clans, the Stormbringer family is the leading electric clan in Warfang, known for their overwhelming numbers of accomplished soldiers. As one of the leading clans, Stormbringer has a seat on the Warfang Council and represents electric dragons. Most of the clans allied to them are electric clans.
Before achieving clan status, Stormbringers were a family of soldiers known for their storm-colored scales. They were powerful, accomplished soldiers.
The founder, Lynaricus, became the most notable in the family for their high elemental mastery, and for achieving the rank of General, which resulted in their family achieving clan status in 2512 - although the family records date back to the 2000's. The clan took on the name given to its members on the battlefield, 'storm bringers'.
Stormbringer has since been a renowned clan of soldiers, with only the odd black sheep choosing different professions. Nevertheless, every Stormbringer serves in the army at some point, often at the unspoken threat of being exiled from the clan. Most Stormbringers remain in the army for the rest of their lives, often attaining the rank of Commander, or even General.
As such, the clan became known as the army clan, and for such a significant influence in the army, and for their numbers and wealth, Stormbringer replaced the current leading electric clan in 2689.
Clan Trait
The identifiable trait of a Stormbringer is the 'storm scale', storm-colored scales. A Stormbringers scales features a mix of greys, blacks, and light greys, a trait virtually unheard of among other electric dragons. They sport frills and rough horns, their element colors displayed in elemental markings and membranes.
Founding Year
Living Members
Black, silver, pale gold
Symmetrical lightning bolts displaying clan colors
Warfang City
General Tordner
Commander Lynerius
General Lynaricus (deceased)
Year 2512
Appears in
Out of Universe
No/Invitation only
Owned by
Open for Characters?
Stormbringer is a clan of exclusively electric dragons, but has a known single fire-dragon 'impurity' in the heir lineage - this being the result of a union's falsified family history. This dragon unified with the Matriarch at the time, and the impurity was not discovered until her grandchildren developed pale electricity. Despite this, the line of heirs continued, and the risk of fire eggs among clutches has been bred out, though the pale electricity remains strong.
Stormbringers can have any variant of electricity, but lacks earth impurity to produce green electricity. Despite the ability to introduce 'purified' green electricity, the clan has elected to avoid it.
Stormbringers are almost exclusively soldiers, with few choosing other professions. The culture within the clan strongly discourages other trades, but readily makes exceptions for Guardians and Templars. Very few Stormbringers have accepted an invitation into the Guard, and those that did did not find their Clan's approval.
Reproduction and Eggs
Stormbringer commonly engages in reproduction contracts, choosing partners from other accomplished military clans/families with strong electric abilities.
Depending on the current leader, some romantic unions may be refused if the non-Stormbringer does not meet the above criteria.
From reproduction contracts, Stormbringer takes all eggs bearing the storm scale trait. Most other eggs are yielded to the other clan, if any.
Notable Members
General Lyneris (former Matriarch, deceased)
Lieutenant Styrmeer (unified of Lyneris, father of Tordner, deceased)
Commander Galvan (unified of Lyneris, father of Tormer, deceased)
General Tordner (son of Styrmeer)
Lady Levina (former unified of Tordner)
General Tormer (son of Galvan)
Commander Raida (unified of Tormer)
Viharo (younger brother of Tormer, deceased)
Viga (younger brother of Tormer, deceased)
Belys (younger sister of Tormer, deceased)
Commander Lynerius (eldest son of Tordner)
Lady Auralis (unified of Lynerius)
Guardian Tordena (daughter of Tordner)
Soldier Styrmer (son of Tordner, deceased)
Commander Saarus (son of Tordner)
Commander Lynis (daughter of Tordner)
Student Thundorn (son of Tordner)
Student Arateri (daughter of Tordner)
Commander Galvaris (daughter of Tormer and Raida)
Electis (unified of Galvaris)
Lieutenant Tormeris (daughter of Tormer and Raida)
Soldier Indra (daughter of Lynis)
Student Sorine (daughter of Lynis)
Student Zaerus (son of Saarus)
Student Zilan (son of Galvaris)
And other extended family
Leader/Heir Immediate Family Tree
Page written by DragonOfIceAndFire