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Earthwood is the leading earth clan, one of the leading five clans in Warfang. Earthwood founded the independent Templars, who guard the temples with their lives. They are the eldest leading clan.



When the founder of Earthwood, Tierra, achieved the rank of Chief in 2452, she was eligible to found a clan. Her family were commonly in the patrols dedicated to temple protection, however, she knew this system was flawed. The Guard had too many other duties and regulations making it difficult to defend the temples, so, with her newfound powers, Tierra founded a new order; the Order of Templars.

The Templars have only one duty; defend the temples. They are independent from the military, taking no orders from Generals or Chiefs alike, but take their orders from an independent chain of command with Guardians at the very top.

Templars choose their recruits from the Army (rarely the Guard), always ensuring their recruits are the best, to protect the irreplaceable Guardians and aid them in the defense of the population's eggs.

Since the introduction of Templars, temple safety has drastically increased. This led to Earthwood overtaking the previous leading earth clan in 2606.

Earthwood consists of Templars, soldiers, and guards, with some scholars.

 Clan Trait 


Earthwood is identified by their earthy brown scales and striking nature-colored accents, as well as their branched, antler-like horns.












Founding Year

Living Members



Dark brown, cold greens

Symmetrical tree displaying clan colors


Army, Templars

Warfang City

General Wysta (Matriarch)

Templar Senuna

Chief Tierra (deceased)

Year 2452


Appears in

Destiny Intertwined (Chapter 1+)

Out of Universe


No/Invitation only

Owned by

Open for characters?

 Clan Elements


Earthwood is almost exclusively Earth. Though they do not forbid taking non-earth partners, the vast majority of the family subscribes to the idea of elemental purity and as such, remain almost pure Earth.

Earthwood has primarily green/cold green earths, with some browns, greys, and a few multicolored breaths.



Earthwood prides themselves as the clan creating the highly respectable Order of Templars. Every Earthwood is expected to meet the standards of the Templars, and to strive to become one. As such, Earthwood dragons will serve in the army well beyond the required service time, until they're eligible to become Templars.

Earthwoods that cannot become Templars due to physical, elemental, or psychological reasons may stay in the army or pursue different careers, such as Scholar or Justice.

Reproduction and Eggs


Earthwood has less focus on reproduction contracts than their peers, allowing their members to take mates and have children through them. Rarely, Earthwood will forbid unions if the Earthwood counterpart is undesirable.

Notable Members


General Wysta (Matriarch)

Commander Arborus (unified of Wysta)

Templar Senuna (granddaughter of Wysta, Heir)

Soldier Feuilla (granddaughter of Wysta)

Soldier Sylvie (granddaughter of Wysta)

Guardian Avalis (second cousin once removed of Wysta)

Master Therris (unified of Avalis)

Therris and Avalis' three children

And other extended family

Page written by DragonOfIceAndFire

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