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Vitreus is a student in the Warfang Temple, and one of the dragons in Master Therris' flight. He is the son of Frossar, a Commander of the Guard, and a member of the leading Ice clan, Clan Frostspear.



Vitreus is rather hot-headed for an ice dragon, easily offended by anyone who argues or teases with him, to the point of aggression and threats. He is also stubborn, and will not back away easily, even in a fight.

He is heavily influenced by his father and family in regards to his world views and opinions, especially regarding Dark Dragons - seeing them as collectively and inherently evil.



Vitreus was born in 3000, the Year of the Dragon, to Commander Frossar of Clan Frostspear. He was a 'contract egg' between Frossar and Lady Flykra of Clan Iceveil. He was the only egg of the clutch, and as his egg had Frostspear's 'whitening' traits, he was yielded to Frostspear and Iceveil was financially compensated. Like other contract eggs, he would have no contact with his mother or maternal side of the family. Due to Vitreus looking quite a lot like his late paternal grandfather, Vitreis, he was named in his honor.

Vitreus was the fourth child of Frossar, and soon became a middle child after his father had three more children. He always struggled for his father's attention, and found the best way to get it was to mirror his views, his entire personality. He learned that he was not only superior to the 'impure', mixed dragons, and especially the demonic dark dragons, but dragons of other elements - though this had to be left unsaid. Of course, his superior family was above even other ice dragons, in their own eyes. They were the leading Ice clan for a reason. Who was Vitreus to think otherwise?

While his young age of element discovery earned Vitreus praises from his family, it was short lived. Vitreus struggled to keep up with, and lived in the constant shadow of his eldest brother, Frostir, whose elemental progression was almost unprecedented. Still, Vitreus tried his hardest, excelling in the Temple's elemental classes and in his own, frequent, lessons at home with Masters of Ice.

In 3006, he joined the Temple School, and was slotted into a Flight with no other clan dragons. This was odd, but Vitreus did not know that. As the only ice dragon in the Flight, he simply approached the other kids randomly, and most were awed by his clan status. As such, he quickly made himself the 'leader' of his flightmates, and particularly those who flocked to him, namely Incendis, Kindra, and Quarris.

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Also Known As






Element Mastery

Magic Mastery






Social Status



Vitreus, son of Frossar

Baby Brother (by Frostir)

Icehead (by Incendis)

Male (he/him) 

15 - 16 

Year 3000, Fifth Moon, Day 38

2.6m / 8'6

Ice (blue)

Class Four (Skilled)

Class One (Basic)


Year Eleven

Master Therris' Flight





Clan Frostspear

Appears in

Destiny Intertwined (Chapter 1+)

A Deadly Initiation


Created by
Designed by
Owned by

Then, his final flightmate arrived - Hayze, a Shadow dragon. The extent of the strangeness of this was lost on Vitreus, who simply concluded Hayze had to be a Dark Lands spy, and vowed to stop Hayze if he 'tried anything'.

This came to fruition only weeks later, when Vitreus caught Hayze training his Shadow element in secret. Vitreus, in an attempt to alert adults of the crime, and ensure Hayze could not escape, attacked him, and bit him in the throat. Hayze, in a state of fear for his life, retaliated with a Shadow strike, and clawed Vitreus over the eye. He was left wailing on the ground in the company of his Flight Master, Therris, and his older sister, Isra, as Hayze was taken away by Commander Lynerius, his caretaker.

After being reunited with his father, Vitreus expected he would have his painful wound healed, only to be told he had to keep it, let it scar. The world needed to see how vicious Hayze was, Vitreus had to 'bear the pain for the truth', and for his Clan. Vitreus, not wanting to disappoint his father, agreed.




Vitreus showed talent with his ice early on by discovering it at the age of 5, and continued to impress by reaching Skilled as a near 16-year old. He is the only one of his flight known to have this high mastery, and one of very few in his age range.


Vitreus only knows the basic spells taught to him in magic class, but he's not very good at it.


Vitreus is on the slightly taller side of ice dragons, and though his physical strength is average, he is persistent and has built a high tolerance for pain. He fears much more for his fragile pride.



The Frostspear Clan

Chief Froszara (paternal great grandmother, deceased)

Commander Glaciar (paternal great grandfather, deceased)

Chief Isrun (paternal grandmother)

Captain Vitreis (paternal grandfather, deceased)

Commander Frossar (father)

Lady Flykra (mother)

Captain Frosun (paternal uncle)

Commander Isrind (paternal uncle)

Master Isolda (paternal aunt)

Captain Skadin (paternal uncle)

Commander Viterius (paternal uncle)

Captain Glaciaris (paternal uncle)

Guard Isra (eldest sister)

Frosa (sister, deceased)

Student Frostir (eldest brother)

Iszari (younger sister)

Glacir (younger brother)

Runeisis (younger brother)

Other extended family.




Vitreus immediately formed a one-sided rivalry with Hayze. Since childhood, he followed his father's views and regarded the young shadow dragon as inherently evil, like all of his kind were viewed by Warfang. His beliefs were confirmed, in his opinion, after the incident that resulted in his scars, blaming Hayze for them and using them as an example to his dangerous nature.

Vitreus also spies on Hayze, following him around and reporting on his activities to his father, who instructed him to do so. This does not go unnoticed by their other flightmates, who have grown annoyed by his 'obsession' and even tease him about it - which even Hayze himself does.

Vitreus often bullies Hayze to get under his scales, and although he mostly fails in doing so, he does succeed occassionally, especially whenever the views regarding dark dragons as a whole are brought up.


Vitreus craves his father's love above all else, having built his entire life and purpose around living up to his father and their family's expectations. From absorbing his father's views, obsessively training his element, and to dedicating his limited social life to stalking Hayze, Vitreus does all his father could ask for and more - to no avail. It is never enough. Whenever Frossar gives him the slightest hint of affection, it's to manipulate him.


Vitreus has only met his mother a few times in his life. At first this was during social events, where his time with her was limited and supervised. When he saw her again in his teens however, he broke a social rule of not approaching a contractual parent. Flykra reacted harshly to this breach and dismissed Vitreus, who hoped for some semblance of parental affection. He later denounced her as simply a stranger.


While Vitreus and Incendis bonded over their distaste of dark dragons as children, Incendis eventually grew tired of Vitreus' constant obsession with Hayze, as well their own clashes of personality.


Terin was too timid and kind as a child for Vitreus to meld with. Though he largely ignored her, he did take notice of her efforts to interact with Hayze, as well as the fact that she stopped doing so after the fight. He used this fact as a weapon against Hayze.


Vitreus initially thought little of Malefor for his lack of element and undeserved importance. His opinion quickly turned into spite however when Malefor beat him in a spar, despite Vitreus using his element while the purple dragon had none. He even seemed to prefer Hayze win against him, just to see him lose to someone, although he'd never confirm such thoughts.



  • Hayze's bully was initially envisioned as a fire dragon.

  • At his original concept, Vitreus was only meant to be a one-dimensional bully and leave the story quite quickly.

  • Due to his child design as a child being 'too bland/boring', his teenage design was given duller colors and new markings. This kind of appearance change became a staple of the Frostspear family.


Page written by DragonOfIceAndFire, edited by Darkanioid1997

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