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Commander Lynerius is perhaps the most famous living soldier in the realm, a legend among Warfang's inhabitants, and a nightmare to Warfang's enemies. His elemental power is among the most powerful of dragonkind...

And yet, the topics of gossip about him concerns two things; his perpetual state of being a bachelor, and the child he brought back from the Dark Lands; Hayze, a shadow dragon.



From a distance, Lynerius is known to have few states of being, and none are positive. Strict, angry, sarcastic, hostile, grumpy, unapproachable. One has to notice his actions to see who he truly is.



Lynerius is the child of an arranged Unity between the Stormbringer Patriarch, Tordner, and a clan dragonness from Concurrent Skies, Lady Levina. Lynerius hatched a few hours before his clutch sister, Tordena.

Like most Stormbringers, Lynerius attended schooling at Warfang Temple, which he completed. Immediately after, he joined the Warfang Army alongside his sister.

After 40 years of exemplary service, the then-Commander returned from the Dark Lands battlefields with a hatchling - a shadow dragon, Hayze.

(Destiny Intertwined - Chapter 1)

In 3006, Lynerius enrolled Hayze into schooling at the Warfang Temple as if he were any other Stormbringer child, much to the objections of other parents. Though Lynerius dropped him off the first day, he would also enlist his squire, Raii, to do this for him.

When Raii returned hastily to tell him about Hayze's altercation with Vitreus and the supposed use of his element, Lynerius arrived swiftly to defuse the situation, but the damage had been done. He took Hayze back to his home, and reluctantly punished him. When Vitreus' father, Commander Frossar of the Warfang Guard, arrived to take Hayze away, Lynerius refused and all but snarked him into letting it go.

Following this, Lynerius immediately healed the damage he had caused to Hayze, citing his worry for Hayze's wellbeing.

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Also Known As






Element Mastery

Magic Mastery






Social Status




Commander Lynerius of Stormbringer

Lyn/Lyner (by close family and friends)

Male (he/him) 


Year 2939, Third Moon, Day 12

6.1m / 20'0

Electricity (white)

Class Ten (Elemental)


Soldier (Knighted)


First Division, 1st Regiment




Lady Auralis


Warfang Army

Clan Stormbringer

Appears in

Destiny Intertwined (Chapter 1+)

A Quiet Night at Camp

Last Night Before Deployment

Counting the Dead


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Lynerius is an Elemental - possessing the strongest level of mastery a dragon can have over their element. His electricity pulverizes rock and tears apart organic matter - if a weaker target is hit full-force, it's a coinflip whether or not they die from their hearts stopping, or due to being instantly cooked alive.

Lynerius discovered his element at a very early 3 years old, impressive although not the earliest recorded Discovered in his clan. Like many children who discover their element early, it took him many years to attain Controlled mastery, which he achieved at 9 years old. Now older and more serious about his training, he reached Learner at age 12, and Skilled at age 17. While deemed gifted, his mastery was earned through daily training, intending to live up to his expectations as the Stormbringer heir and future soldier - sacrificing his social life for this goal.

He achieved Experienced level mastery at 26, a little over a year into his mandatory service. Though a mastery associated with far older dragons, this was not unheard of. However, he soon attained Adept mastery, only 7 years later at age 33, much sooner than projected. Then he reached Potent mastery already at age 38, bringing no doubt to the fact that he was Elemental-bound. Continuing his rapid ascension, he reached Savant at 44, and through teaching from the Elder Guardian of Electricity, he reached Master at age 52, then Elemental at age 61.

Being asked what exactly drove him to such power is to Lynerius' great distaste, and he never entertains the question with an answer.


As a combatant, Lynerius has never bothered with non-elemental magic, and has long forgotten what easy spells he learned at the temple.


In addition to his devastating elemental abilities, Lynerius is a very tall dragon with an athletic build who balances speed and strength in physical combat.



The Stormbringer Clan

Lady Auralis (Unified)

General Lyneris (paternal grandmother, deceased)

General Styrmeer (paternal grandfather, deceased)

General Tordner (father)

Lady Levina (mother)

Guardian Tordena (clutch sister)

Styrmer (younger brother, deceased)

Commander Saarus (younger brother)

Commander Lynis (younger sister)

Student Thundorn (youngest brother)

Student Arateri (youngest sister)

General Tormer (uncle)

Student Zerus (nephew)

Soldier Indra (niece)

Student Sorine (niece)

Other siblings and extended family.

Hayze (former ward)




Though strict, Lynerius appears to care for his ward, given that he paid for schooling where Hayze can be with other kids, as well as protecting him from Frossar.


Lynerius and Frossar were flightmates in their time at the Temple. Due to the conflicts between the Stormbringers (the Army) and the Frostspears (the Guard), Frossar tried to pick a fight day one. Lynerius swiftly put him down, and Frossar has never forgotten that Lynerius has always beat him. Lynerius has never given him much thought, until Frossar began targeting Hayze.


Lynerius has no respect for his father, not even enough to even address him as 'General'. Lynerius does not hide his disdain, or disgust, towards his own sire.


Lynerius has a positive relationship to his loving mother.


Tordena is one of the dragons closest to Lynerius, and knows things about him no one else in the realm does. They often banter as siblings and soldiers do. However, for decades after the death of their brother Styrmer, they were known to have been distant.


Auralis is one of many dragonesses that Tordner has imposed on Lynerius for marriage. Though Lynerius still refuses to entertain the idea, Auralis' motherly treatment of Hayze gives him pause.


Raii is Lynerius' squire, a position that means Raii spends a lot of time by the revered Commander's side. His duties include assisting Lynerius with putting on and taking off armor, cleaning said armor, running errands, carrying his clan banners, etc.

With squires being infamously known to tend to their Commanders' sexual needs, many wonder if Raii fulfills this aspect of his role as well. Neither dignify the question with an answer.

Lynerius appears to trust Raii to a degree - enough to entrust him with dropping off and picking up Hayze from school.



  • His name is based on the Norwegian word for lightning, 'lyn'.

  • His placeholder name was 'Lychnus', which is latin for....... lamp. Changed last minute.

  • His design was also changed last minute, from a more generic pale yellow scale color, black secondary, and white accents.

  • The inside of his mouth is 'element stained' and thus yellow.

  • Behind the scenes, the black markings on his tail half is called his 'pants'.


Page written by DragonOfIceAndFire

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