Kindra is a student at the Warfang Temple and one of the dragons in Master Therris' Flight. She is Incendis' clutch sister.
Kindra is infamously apathetic, rarely appearing to care about what happens around her. While this facade may break when it concerns those she cares about deep down, she makes a conscious effort to keep her walls up.
While friendly to certain dragons, Kindra keeps others at a wing's length. She does not trust strangers and is hostile ('bitchy') towards new people and those she has decided to not like. Towards male dragons she's attracted to, however, she is flirty and consciously tries to look interesting. She has a bad habit of ignoring her instincts when it comes to these attractive males, and will 'turn on her friends' when they try to warn her about her interest's bad intentions.
Kindra was born to Ignis and Lavis, alongside her clutch brother. They were an accidental pregnancy between their parents who had only just started dating. While neither of them were ready for or wanted children with the other, both begrudgingly stayed after being financially encouraged by Lavis' father, Kindros, an Army Commander.
Home life was rough. Ignis and Lavis were an incompatible pair and argued often, if not every day. Despite a mutual attempt to Unify and be together, both have cheated on their Unified more than once.
When only one parent is on deployment, the home is quieter, but both Incendis and Kindra end up in arguments with the remaining parent who takes out lingering frustrations on them by being unnecessarily strict and demanding.
While most of Kindra and Incendis' schooling fees are covered by their grandfather, they rarely get to see him due to his duties claiming most of his time. They don't feel like he is particularly interested in seeing them, regardless.
Kindra was, from a young age, bullied by other children and sneered at by adults for her teal-green markings. She would cry to her parents, afraid that her element would be green fire, a dark variant. Her parents would initially comfort her and tell her she had green colors because her grandmother is an Earth dragon, and that they didn't have dark blood.
Also Known As
Element Mastery
Magic Mastery
Social Status
Kindra, daughter of Ignis
Female (she/her)
Year 3000, First Moon, Day 27
2.4m / 8'0
Fire (orange)
Class Three (Learner)
Class One (Basic)
Year Eleven
Master Therris' Flight
Single (crushing on Quarris)
As her anxieties continued, however, they would get annoyed and simply tell her to stop being hysterical. Incendis would too be upset with his sister and not want to be seen with her, as people would accuse him of also having dark blood.
Both became loudly opposed to dark dragons, whom they knew nothing about, as a defense against the accusations of dark impurity. When their Flight years started, this led to them flocking to Vitreus who immediately made an enemy of their flightmate of Shadow, Hayze.
These days, Kindra makes a show of not caring about anything, while her brother frequently teases her for 'only being interested in boys and looking pretty', she spends a considerable amount of time training her element. The reason behind her determination is one she keeps close to her chest.
Kindra discovered her element at 7, sooner than her brother. She achieved Controlled already at age 11, and Learner at age 15. She has the second highest element mastery in her flight, second to Vitreus.
Kindra is also a tad better than Incendis in magic, but her skill level is also Basic. She has very little interest in non-elemental magic.
Kindra is a somewhat petite dragon, much smaller than her tall brother - as such, she's not much of a physical threat.
Commander Kindros (grandfather)
Soldier Ignis (mother)
Lieutenant Lavis (father)
Student Incendis (brother)
And other extended family
As siblings and clutchmates, the two behave as such; annoying each other to death, and stealing each other’s meals in secret. They won't admit it, but they do care about each other and are usually seen together.
Over the years, Kindra has distanced herself from Vitreus, having lost interest in Hayze and 'keeping an eye on him'.
Hydris and Rayne
Kindra retains a positive relationship with both water twins, and is friends with Hydris in particular.
Kindra has a much more negative stance towards Hayze, as both a child and teen. Even showing a distasteful expression upon Hayze entering the classroom, and her overall demeanor towards him.
Kindra also maintains a friendly relationship with Quarris, and has a crush on him.
Page written by DragonOfIceAndFire, SowkaDraws and Darkanioid1997.