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Isolda is a Frostspear, a younger sister of Frossar, clutch-sister of Skadin, and aunt to Vitreus, Frostir, Isra, and more. She is a Master of Magic, an impressive position for her age.



Largely unknown. She's not reserved against corporeal punishment towards her deranged nephew, Frostir, but displays considerable kindness to Vitreus. She knows him well enough to understand when he's acting aloof or rude to protect himself.



Isolda was born to Isrun, the current Frostspear Matriarch, in her third clutch. Her father was a clanless purple ice dragon, contracted to Isrun in a failed attempt to introduce purple ice into the Frostspear family. Isolda was in a clutch of two, with her hatching hours before her clutch brother, Skadin.

Because of her coloration, she was hoped to possess purple ice like her father. When her element presented however, it was white, and an event that should have been exciting and joyful, was met with utter disappointment from her family. This permanently damaged Isolda's relationship to her element, and caused her to lean heavily on magic.

Isolda attended the Warfang City temple for her education (2957 - 2975), then joined the Guard immediately out of military training, although she only served a few years past her mandatory service, then left service to pursue magic.

Over the years, she attained impressive mastery in magic, enough to be awarded the title of Master of Magic by the Warfang Council.




Isolda discovered her element at the age of 7. Due to the family's disappointment over her element's common coloration, she began to hate her ice, frequently refusing to use it. She did not reach Controlled before the age of 25 due to obligatory military training.

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Also Known As






Element Mastery

Magic Mastery




Social Status



Master Isolda

Guard Isolda (formerly)

Female (she/her)


Year 2951, Sixth Moon, Day 4

5.3m / 17'5

Ice (white)

Class Two (Controlled)

Class Seven (Proficient)

Master of Magic





Clan Frostspear

Appears in

Destiny Intertwined (Chapter 2)


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Due to her initial refusal to use her element, and due to her preference in magic, Isolda was given special tutoring by the Temple's Master of Magic to develop her magic abilities while the other children developed their elements. When Isolda finished her education, her mastery was Intermediate.

In the Guard, her abilities came to good use with restraining and depletion magic, and her training continued albeit much of her time went into the Guard. When she quit the Guard rather suddenly and dove into magic studies however, her mastery rose fast, until she attained Proficient already at age 63.


Isolda is a shorter than average, lean dragoness without much physical strength.



The Frostspear Clan

Chief Froszara (maternal grandmother, deceased)

Commander Glaciar (maternal grandfather, deceased)

Chief Isrun (mother)

Captain Warrin (father, contract)

Unborn (son, deceased)

Commander Frossar (older half-brother)

Commander Frosun (older half-brother)

Captain Isrind (older half-brother)

Captain Skadin (clutch brother)

Captain Viterius (younger half-brother)

Captain Glaciaris (younger half-brother)

Guard Wintus (nephew)

Guard Isra (niece)

Frosa (niece, deceased)

Student Frostir (nephew)

Student Vitreus (nephew)

Iszari (niece)

Glacir (nephew)

Runeisis (nephew)

Ignicia (bastard niece)

Student Stryga (bastard niece)

Other siblings and extended family



  • 'Isolda' is a variant of the name 'Isolde', meaning 'ice battle'. Isolda is named after her mother, Isrun.


Page written by DragonOfIceAndFire

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